Monday, August 17, 2009
Okay guys! I am back! ... after a rather slacky post just a day ago =x
Spent the first day of the Study Week by going out! I went out with Jerald, Leonard, Mervyn, Nik and last but not least Zhi Qiang. Well, we went out to the usual stuff i would say, Lan, Movie Session, Dinner and Dessert.
Went to watch:

Where Got Ghost?
Well, initially wanted to watch Up or Hangover, but Nik has watched it so no point asking him to watch again, then, we thought of Where Got Ghost?hmm, wasnt that into the movie but ah well, thanks to me not having my birthday earlier! RawR! Well, cut it short, District 9 is M18! NOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUU!
haha, so yea.. Where Got Ghost? it was. Although I thought that the movie isnt that great, but! the feeling is kind of shiok due to the fact that the mixture of comedy and horror is just unique! I don't know about you all but yea, not that bad. Overall i rate it about 3 and a half stars. Not so good, not so bad, slightly better than in the middle!
Sadly Jerald did not join us for the movie. Ah well! We had a great time of Lan! Especially Counter Strike Source. Couldn't get used to it initially, but as time passes its alright. Love the pistol match, LOL!
Ah, overall, today is just great. Finally hanging out with friends after quite sometime I guess. =)
Ah! One more thing I am gonna blog about! Well, luckily Leonard reminded me on the way back home on the MRT. The dream I dreamt last night.
Okay,I don't really remember much, only remember the most significant part. No more girls leaning on my shoulder and staring at me with love and stuff, though i love that moment but nope! Totally different! This dream is that my friends and I are being chased by zombie-like creatures or some sort of funny looking creatures. Well can't remember much but yea.. So we managed to hide from those creatures. However, when we reached a part of the building, we had to split as those creature guards are coming. So, UNKNOWINGLY (strongly emphasized), I didn't know ah! ... I ran into the female toilet. Okay, the best part is coming. So, the female toilet, I was hiding behind the entrance door of the toilet. And then, I saw a girl inside, and I was like WHOOPS!
Ok lets stop here for a moment. I've been into a female toilet so I know how it looks like. just to let you know, this is how it looks like:

Not the best looking pictures but you get what I mean. Sinks and Cubicles ONLY!
So moving on, the female toilet. This female toilet, has... wait for it.... has... wait for it... hey i said wait right! LOL just kidding! ...has a row of urinals! YEA! URINALS! Okay, and then, imagine girls, peeing using urinals. Ok, don't say that I am sick or what la, but then thats what my brain showed me last night! The girl in the toilet peeing using a urinal and I saw it with my own eyes! uh, yea in my dreams. LOL! But omg! Imagine that! oh, and if you are thinking that I am gonna show you all a picture of how a girl pee, wait long long also don't have! muahahaha! Just ask your girl-friends about it, that is if she shares with you haha!
So yea! freakish dream! that girl I saw in my dreams is human! ..hopefully. Haha.. Well, do not get me wrong that it will never happen, but who knows! in the near near future, girls will pee so much faster with specially improvised urinals! AHEM! No offence to girls out there!
So thats about my dream part. The rest is just dumb, wondering how I got out of that situation will just be another mystery! haha!
I guess, I will stop here now, I wanna play game! haha! see you all! Goodnight or Gut Nacht! =)
Aldrich Chua! =)

10:15 PM