Monday, November 19, 2007
AH! It's been another long long time since i wrote an entry ha ha! Thank God its all over now! The O levels is now history and its time to move on! ha ha.. OK.. although there maybe regrets here an there but its all over.. no point looking back at it anymore! Whats over is over and.. well MOVE ON! HM.. Why am i talking to myself again? ha ha..Well, its only been a week of holidays and free time.. but it seemed as though I am already feeling so bored.. Everything is like.. the same old thing.. and its getting boring.. Fortunately, there are a few outings and shopping trips occasionally so.. yea! ha ha.. Well, just last week, I think i played enough and slacked enough.. However, it seemed that I am regretting again.. Why am I not making full use of the time I have? Zzz.. yea.. I had planned nicely on what i want to do after the O Levels, things like picking up guitar and working and earning some money to gain the experience.. Its all worthwhile.. but.. I am still sitting on this chair, not willing to move my butt.. ha ha! hm..I must find a job real soon..Well, I have also thought and found out that i have to get a guitar before learning it.. so yea.. should i ask my parents? Or should i earn the money to buy it? I am not sure of that too.. ha ha.. ah well.. i have to learn it because guitar is such a cool instrument.. well with the strumming and the plucking and the.. beautiful sound of it.. well i am crazy over it! Oh.. if you are wondering what kind of guitar, well.. its definitely acoustic guitar! ha ha.. like the sound of it =Dhm.. my parents have set up the Christmas tree! And it looked marvelous! 
here are the photos.. ha ha.. OK.. Also, I found out that my Dad has a blog! Well, it only has 2 posts but wow.. i am surprise that my Dad blogs.. ha ha.. well at least i get to know him better somewhat or another =D ah.. i will end off now.. ha ha and I will update the blog as frequently as i can! Well I'll try my very best!! =D
11:50 AM