Aldrich's Blog!
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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ahh! It's beeeen a NONG NONG WHILE!

I decided not to delete the previous posts nor the blog because there are just too much precious memories and I just couldn't bear to just throw them away like that!

Life have been tough these days.. but one thing I would like to SHOUT OUT LOUD...


Lets see, I've gotten this from Wiki for the causes of mouth ulcers:

"There are many processes which can lead to ulceration of the oral tissues. In some cases they are caused by an overreaction by the body's own immune system. Factors that appear to provoke them include stress, fatigue, illness, injury from accidental biting, hormonal changes, menstruation,...."

Hold on a second... Menstruation. Hmm, OH NOOO! No wonder down there...
=0 oh nos!

Ok nevermind. Lame shit! hahaha! I can't believe I am talking about such dumb things. Haha. Let's continue with that definition. =D

"... sudden weight loss, food allergies and deficiencies in vitamin B12, iron and folic acid. Ulcers also can be caused by bug bites and animal bites. Oral ulcers are also a common result of ceased cigarette smoking, affecting about two out of five quitters. Also in the chewing of tobacco"

Hmm, didn't know there are so many things leading to such a common "event" like this. Awww man. Sudden weight loss, Stress, deficiencies... Nah... Hormon... THATS IT! HORMONAL CHANGES! I AM BECOMING MORE MAN! WAHAHA! MUAHAHA!

No wonder so many ulcers, becoming more MAN than before, why not? More ulcers come baby!

Ok, ignore that. Pretty much crazy, haha. I decided not to put a picture of ulcers because gosh, too gross! Initially, I had 2 ulcers just few days back on my lower lip. Well, its not too bad because its quite common for me. (The BECOMING-A-MAN-process *ahem*) Until I woke up today... when i was just about to brush my teeth, i felt a sharp pain on my tongue. Well, some would say, "AHYA TONGUE NIA, U SISSY AH!', BUT HEY! LISTEN!

Number 1 :
It's not sissy! Its just a step closer to become more man!
Number 2 :
Of all places, it's at the tip of the tongue! aww.. man! tip of the tongue! Man.. Eating can never be that tough.
Number 3 :
STRONG EMPHASIS NEEDED. Becoming-a-man process! XD

Ah.. damn. How lame can I get, ranting about ulcers, and becoming more man. But this is how life goes for me huh! Next time you see me on the streets, you'll be AMAZED!

okay, I think i am super BHB. Haha. (note: BHB means no shame in hokkien i think correct me if i am wrong =D ) I guess this post starts of a new season of blogging! I shall stop here for now!
Good Nights People!
Rock On! =)

P.s. Sorry about the lame-ness up there! Have a Great Night! =)

9:04 PM